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The Facebook logo with a bite taken from it, similar to Apple's logo.
5 mins

Wozniak says we should get off Facebook but why should Zuckerberg...

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is the latest tech celebrity to urge users to purge their Facebook account, suggesting that...
An illustration of a finger print, but the inner lines form a dollar sign. Boom!
3 mins

Staying private online could save you big bucks

By far the biggest offenders when it comes to mining your data are not governments or police, but rather...
An illustration of a block of servers and a checklist on a notepad.
2 mins

PwC audits ExpressVPN servers to confirm essential privacy protections

At ExpressVPN, we take your privacy and security extremely seriously. To best protect our customers, we follow a central...
8 apps to protect your privacy online
5 mins

8 apps to protect your privacy online

Navigating the privacy minefield that is today’s internet can be a challenge. With cybersecurity incidents like the Equifax hack and...
An illustration of a laptop with password fields with asterisks. However, in front of the laptop is a hand holding a phone. The phone has open some kind of 2FA app. Nice.
4 mins

Why should I use two-factor authentication?

You might have skipped over your email provider’s prompt: Turn on two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, is a secondary...
A picture of Mary Meeker
3 mins

7 privacy and security takeaways in Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report

The biggest slide deck about the internet is back! Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report has highlighted important online observations...
how to protect your online finances
3 mins

6 ways to protect your online finances… In the physical world

From VPNs to antivirus software, there is no shortage of precautions to take when protecting your personal banking online....
1 min

Now on ExpressVPN: Connect 5 devices simultaneously

You asked for more, and we heard you. ExpressVPN is excited to announce that we’re changing our multiple-device policy...
An illustration of the well-known download icon.
4 mins

Why you shouldn’t ignore ‘Update Your Device’ messages

It’s pretty much second nature at this point. We start our laptops and hunker down in our seats, ready...
An illustration of an eagle covering its eyes.
4 mins

ExpressVPN survey reveals Americans do care about privacy after all

NOTE: This post was originally published on June 13, 2019 A representative survey, commissioned by ExpressVPN and undertaken by Propeller...
1 min
1 min

Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode

3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

Featured Posts

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1 min

ExpressVPN and Heartbleed

6 mins
4 mins
4 mins

The Three Greatest Scams in History

2 mins

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