Digital freedom

2 mins
Why we think the Australian Data Retention Law is a terrible idea
Over the past few weeks, Australian Internet users have been troubled by the implications of Parliament passing the mandatory metadata retention bill. Users have been...
australia metadata retention laws
2 mins
Live in Australia? Your data may be snatched from you in the near future
After several days of debate, the Australian government finally secured a deal with the opposition party on Thursday which saw the passing of new...
iphone on table
3 mins
iSpy? Government agencies “petrified” over iPhone encryption
The spies are scared. That's the word from Glenn Greenwald, the writer who helped Edward Snowden publish his tell-all documents about the NSA. In...
2 mins
Tor ban “technologically infeasible” and unwise, MPs told
Any thought British members of parliament may have had about banning online anonymity systems such as Tor would not only be unwise but also...
1 min
Watch March Madness online
Don't miss any of the March Madness action! Use a VPN to secure your connection and stream March Madness without having to worry about...
3 mins
Wikimedia Foundation & rights groups sue NSA over mass surveillance
Jimmy Wales' Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization behind Wikipedia, has announced its intention to file a lawsuit against the National Security Agency (NSA) and...
3 mins
SIM-ply irresistible: NSA and GCHQ accused of massive mobile hack
How secure is your phone? Most users are now mindful of risks like insecure networks, malicious apps and fraudulent emails, but according to NSA...
7 mins
The Internet of Things and your right to a private life
For better or worse, the Internet of Things (IoT) here to stay. ExpressVPN dives into signs of (the Internet of) things to come.
2 mins
Who is the EFF?
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is, perhaps, the most well-known online proponent of civil liberties. EFF: The Early Years Founded in July 1990 by John Perry Barlow,...
A scrum
1 min
How to watch the Six Nations live on BBC iPlayer from abroad with a...
Are you a rugby fan who's having trouble streaming your favorite matches? With a VPN, you can stream without having to worry about slow speeds or...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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