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23 Posts
1034 Claps
Xbox logo mark with warning signs.
2 mins
How to stop DDoS attacks on Xbox
Want to game in peace? Find out what’s behind the increase in gaming related DDoS attacks, and what you can do to protect your Xbox.
User icon with frustration lines emanating from their globe head.
4 mins
Slow internet driving you mad? 4 possible reasons
Can’t connect? We know that pain. Can connect but it’s painfully slow? We know that pain and we hate it more. Here’s what might be the culprit.
Albert Fox Cahn of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project
9 mins
Q&A with surveillance critic Albert Fox Cahn
We speak with the founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) in New York City about the fight to dismantle mass surveillance.
Steering wheel with Wi-Fi symbol.
2 mins
How “wardriving” puts vulnerable Wi-Fi on a map
Wardriving is the act of searching for vulnerable Wi-Fi networks from inside a moving vehicle. Here's how you can keep your network protected.
Fediverse logo.
3 mins
Big Tech censoring you? Try a distributed social network
Social media and Big Tech might censor content it deems “fake news” or inappropriate. Try distributed or federated social networks like Mastodon for free speech.
Open Source Initiative logo.
3 mins
Free and open-source software (FOSS): Pros and cons for security
Chances are you’ve used more free and open-source software (FOSS) than you realise. We take a look at the benefits of FOSS.
Envelope wearing a face mask.
4 mins
How to stop spam with anonymous email forwarding
An anonymous email forwarder can mask your email with an alias to avoid spam and keep your real email private. Find out how and protect your inbox now.
Online video with an apple
5 mins
Free cybersecurity courses for protection and education
Whether you’re just curious or are considering a career in cybersecurity, these accessible online courses will get you started.
Child playing on tablet
3 mins
Free cyber safety resources for kids
It's Safer Internet Day! We’ve compiled free resources for kids to learn about topics like cybersecurity, fake news, cyberbullying, and strangers on the internet.
Apps pouring out of a phone.
4 mins
How to declutter your phone in 2025
Running out of space on your iPhone or Android? Here are steps to declutter and organize your files and apps.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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